Panels Mounted and Switches Fitted
The frame is wood covered in leathercloth
Back view ready for wiring
Wiring the overhead.
The FDS SYS1 card comes complete with connectors and wire tails, these are spliced into the wires coming from the switches and the LED's
Nearly finished
Three interface cards are in use, the centre one is the FDS SYS1 card which handles all of the LED's (not all of the board is used) and 64 of the switches (the maximum this card can handle). The right hand card is the Open Cockpits Master Card which has the capability for another 72 inputs (not all used) and provides the interface to the Display Card on the left which drives the Battery Voltage and fuel indicators in aft overhead.
The Master Card shares the USB interface card with the other Master Card in the pedestal.
Aft Overhead